When you want a line of credit or a loan, the creditors or lenders will judge your risk level based on your credit score. This is the only way they can understand your financial behavior since they don't know you on a personal level.
Although a debit card is an easy to use and convenient payment tool, there are several benefits to getting a credit card at the registration office next time. Here are the main reasons for us, why the type of plastic in your wallet is really important.
Improve your credit history and scores
Which of the following would you want to buy now or in the future?
a) House
b) Car
c) University tuition
d) Insurance
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
Additional guarantee
With the arrival of the Christmas shopping season, millions of Americans are concerned about credit/debit card fraud. However, in the event of an unfortunate default, debit card users may face more trouble than credit card users.
Also, if you need funds to pay rent or other expenses now? With a credit card, money will never leave your account, and you don't have to pay any controversial expenses on your bill. On the other hand, if you use a debit card, you may wait until your bank resolves the issue and returns the funds to your account.
In addition to establishing and establishing credit scores and additional security measures, credit cards also provide valuable rewards to consumers. From cash back, travel points, or redeemable rewards for reward points systems, using a credit card can help a person save hundreds or thousands of dollars a year.
Purchase protection
Is the jewelry stolen or the smartphone broken? If you buy an item with a credit card with a purchase protection plan, you may be lucky. When you make a secured purchase on your card, purchase protection can help protect your purchase, and if it is stolen or accidentally damaged, the protection period is up to 90 days. However, it is up to the credit card company to decide whether your purchase protection claim is approved.